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Re: Open.Lets use the word correctly
Posted by Polished
10/28/2008  2:39:00 PM
Augusto Schiavo former World and British Amateur and Professional Champion was invited to deliver a lecture at the IDSF Congress to be held in California.Two days before the event he was uninvited. His crime was he adjudicated an event which was not sactioned by the IDSF.
Are the IDSF ruining our dance world. Do they have the right to dictate who we can and cannot work for ??
All of the above is reported on Dancesport UK along with a lot of other strong reports and comments.
The tactics being used after the court case in Holland is to pressure the different affiliated Societies to do their dirty work. If any of this appears to be not correct please criticize
Open.Lets use the word correctly
Posted by Polished
10/20/2008  4:39:00 PM
What does an Open Event mean to you.It should mean completely Open to all.But most of the competitions are restricted, you have to be a paid up member of a Dance Society to be accepted. Blackpool is completely Open. Any of us can enter no matter where we belong. Is that a good thing or is it bad.
I was talking to one guy who thought that Open meant a grade just one above A Grade. How wrong was that.

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